Particularly troublesome are the-support-the-status-quo notions of health care reform extolled by the extreme right represented best by the likes of most Fox News pundits (are there ANY real journalists who provide commentary on that network?) and certain right wing politicians. I am, of course, thinking particularly of the idiotic (because he makes no logical sense) but scary (because he is yet another fear monger that appeals to the paranoid hysterics of America) Glen Beck and equally idiotic and scary Sarah Palin. I have been particularly upse twith Palin's capturing of the microphone over the health care "debate" when she irresponsibly labeled a totally legitimate health care practice as subsidized "death panels" that would be headed by government bureaucrats bent on killing grandmothers. This dealt with the much needed, but often expensive practice of discussing patient options between patients and/or family members facing serious treatment issues and their doctors. Because one third of the American people die in hospital ICU units of which they often spend at least three very expensive days, this issue is particularly important to driving down costs to insurance companies and premiums. The days dying Americans spend in ICU units are very lucrative for hospitals as doctors without previous patient or family permission order unecessary test after unnecessary tests. Indeed, one-third of all health care costs can be attributed to the final days of dying Americans who are often existing off of life support or surgical heroics that most people, if given counseling by their doctors, would not have chosen.
Of course, th is just one example of how the extremely complex the issue of health care delivery system in America has been reduced to the irresponsible posturing of non-credentialled radio and television talk show hosts and opportunistic, self-serving politicians bent on simply garnering media attention for themselves. For most of the summer and Fall, this serious issue simply came to exemplifythe absolute worst in public discourse. I still don't understand the new bill enough to be conficent that my sister will have access to her own policy if she suffers another health catatastrohphe. But to hear some of the creeps on the right maintain that the system is just fine and that Americans should fill in the cracks of a dysfunctional system--just as my sister and I did last Fall really galls me. Because both of us are regular middle class people with families and our own expenses (helping out grandchildren, putting children through college, etc.) this situation with Beth did put a financial strain of both of us. Again, I don't even want to imagine what many Americans who experience a seriuos illness must go through without insurance or help. If they have a house, they must have to sell it (my sister would have lost hers without help!) or simply, if lacking resourceds, not get care and experience the REAL death panel which is our current system that relegates 43,000 people to unnecessary death. Yes, Glen Beck and Sarah Palin are two of my top three least admired people of 2009. Unfortunately, the media and many misinformed and uncritical Americans love them. Why? They give simple answers to complex questions which during difficult (and selfish "I-want-mine-and-don't-want -to share") times, too many Americans are satisfied with.
2 Demagogues and a Robber Baron
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